Ghost hunting and paranormal investigation have surged in popularity thanks to supernatural-themed TV shows and movies. If you’re fascinated by the idea of tracking down ghosts, this comprehensive  beginner’s guide to paranormal investigation will teach you how to conduct your own investigations into the unknown.

Finding Haunted Locations

The first step for any new paranormal investigator is locating an appropriately haunted site to explore. There are many resources to help you find places with verifiable paranormal activity:

  • Paranormal societies and investigation groups – Connect with local teams that may share location suggestions for your paranormal investigation or click here for locations.
  • Paranormal conventions and events – A great way to meet seasoned investigators and learn new sites for your beginner paranormal investigation.
  • Historical societies and landmarks – Places with tumultuous pasts often lead to hauntings ripe for paranormal investigation.
  • Legends and folklore – Stories passed down about haunted places can offer leads for your first paranormal investigation.
  • Ghost hunting websites/forums – Fellow enthusiasts share reviews and experiences about locations for beginner paranormal investigations.
  • Newspaper archives – Search local papers for deaths, crimes or tragedies that may spawn ghosts for you to investigate. PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL OF THE LIVING.

Once you have a few potential locations, do further research into their history and claimed supernatural occurrences. Always get permission from owners before investigating private properties. Take all necessary safety precautions as well.

Assembling Your Ghost Hunting Kit

Having the proper paranormal investigation tools is key for collecting compelling evidence during your investigations. Here is the essential equipment every beginner needs:

  • EMF Meter – Measures electromagnetic field spikes that ghosts may cause. Handheld models like the TriField Natural EM Meter are affordable starters for beginner paranormal investigators.
  • Digital Voice Recorder – Documents electronic voice phenomena (EVPs). The Sony ICD-PX470 is highly rated for beginner paranormal investigation. External microphone improves audio quality.
  • Flashlights – Illuminate dark investigation areas. Headlamps allow hands-free operation. Always pack spare batteries for your paranormal investigations.
  • Digital Camera – Still cameras capture ghostly mists, shadows, apparitions. Full spectrum and night vision cameras are ideal for paranormal investigation.
  • Video Camera – Video documentation reveals activity not seen in person. DVR capability allows reviewing footage right away during your paranormal investigations.
  • Thermometers – Sudden temperature drops may indicate a spirit presence. Laser thermometers allow remote reading during your ghost hunts.
  • Motion Sensors – Strategically placed, these can detect ghostly movement and trigger cameras during your paranormal investigations.
  • Spirit Box – Produces white noise and rapidly scans stations. Used by spirits to form words. The SB7 is a popular model for beginner paranormal investigation.
  • Smartphone apps – Supplement physical equipment with apps like ghost radar, EMF sensors, and white noise generators for your paranormal investigations.

Conducting a Ghost Hunt

Once you have your investigator gear and target location, it’s time to conduct a paranormal investigation. Here are some techniques and tips for beginners:

  • Arrive early to set up equipment and get baseline EMF, temperature, and light readings. Compare later to detect changes during your paranormal investigation.
  • Use your spirit box and digital voice recorder to conduct EVP sessions. Ask questions then leave 10 seconds of silence to capture responses not heard in the moment during your ghost hunt.
  • Take ample photographs and video throughout your paranormal investigation. Capture different angles, zoom levels, and any visual anomalies.
  • Encourage interaction by bringing triggers objects, using flashlights, and tagging equipment with LED lights during your ghost hunt.
  • Be systematic. Keep a log to link experiences and evidence to exact dates, times, and places during your beginner paranormal investigation.
  • Remain vigilant but don’t try to force activity during your ghost hunt. Stay calm and courteous to avoid angering spirits.
  • Work in pairs or groups and avoid getting separated on your paranormal investigations. Have an exit plan if the activity becomes threatening.
  • If you do make contact, politely request signs or answers to questions during your paranormal investigation. Say thank you at the end.

Analyzing Evidence and Drawing Conclusions

The real work begins after the paranormal investigation when it’s time to comb through all the collected audio, video, and data for signs of paranormal activity. Here are some best practices:

  • Catalog and back up all digital media so evidence isn’t lost from your paranormal investigations.
  • Thoroughly review audio tracks using noise cancellation and amplification to uncover faint EVPs from your ghost hunt.
  • Scrutinize photos and videos frame-by-frame for shapes, shadows, mists, and apparitions caught on your paranormal investigation.
  • Compile experiences, equipment readings, and collected evidence by location and time for cross-referencing during your analysis of the paranormal investigation.
  • Evaluate evidence objectively. Look for corroborating proof across multiple sources to confirm activity caught during your ghost hunt.
  • Research alternate explanations for unusual findings before deeming them paranormal. Natural causes and technical glitches are common even on paranormal investigations.
  • Consult fellow investigators to assist reviewing findings with fresh perspective after your ghost hunt.
  • Avoid making definitive conclusions on limited evidence. Paranormal investigation requires an open, questioning mindset.

Document and report all evidence and findings from the paranormal investigation comprehensively. Avoid common mistakes that taint evidence.  Share with owners and staff of the location investigated. Back up data securely in case future analyses are warranted of your ghost hunt.

Moving Forward as a Paranormal Investigator

For beginners, paranormal investigation is an exciting introduction into uncovering mysteries beyond the veil of the physical world. As you gain more experience:

  • Expand your toolbox with additional equipment like night vision cameras, trigger objects, and audio analyzers for enhanced paranormal investigation.
  • Seek out new locations rumored to have greater supernatural activity for future paranormal investigations.
  • Join a paranormal team to collaborate and learn new techniques to improve your paranormal investigating skills.
  • Attend paranormal seminars and conferences to connect with top experts in paranormal investigation.
  • Start a paranormal investigation blog or YouTube channel to share your experiences publicly from your ghost hunts.

With passion and persistence, you can evolve from novice to seasoned paranormal investigator. This beginner’s guide covers everything you need to start your ghost hunting hobby on the right foot. Stay curious and open-minded as you embark on this thrilling adventure into the unknown world of paranormal investigation!

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