Ghostly dictionary

Afterlife: The existence or realm believed to follow physical death, often associated with the continuation of the soul or spirit.

Anomaly: Something that deviates from what is considered normal, especially in the context of paranormal investigations.

Apparition: A ghostly figure or form that appears unexpectedly, often associated with hauntings.

Astral Projection: An out-of-body experience in which an individual’s consciousness leaves their physical body and travels to other realms or dimensions.

Clairaudience: The psychic ability to perceive sounds or voices from the spirit world.

Clairaudient: A person who possesses the psychic ability of clairaudience.


Clairvoyance: The psychic ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or event through extrasensory perception.

Clairvoyant: A person who possesses the psychic ability of clairvoyance.

Cleansing: Rituals or ceremonies performed to remove negative energy or spirits from a location or individual.

Cold Spot: A localized area within a haunted location where the temperature drops suddenly, believed to be associated with paranormal activity.

Cross-Over: The belief or process of spirits moving from the earthly realm to the afterlife.

Demon: An evil or malevolent supernatural entity often associated with demonic possession or oppression.

Demonologist: A person who studies and investigates demons and demonic activity.

Dowsing Rods: Rods traditionally used to locate underground water sources, sometimes employed in paranormal investigations to detect energy or entities.

Electronic Voice Recorder (EVP Recorder): A device used to capture audio recordings, often utilized in EVP sessions during paranormal investigations.

EMF (Electromagnetic Field): A field of magnetic energy that is believed by some to be influenced by paranormal entities, often detected using EMF meters.

Energy Field: The aura or energy surrounding a living being or object, sometimes associated with paranormal phenomena.

Entity: A disembodied spirit or supernatural being, often encountered during paranormal investigations.

Ectoplasm: A substance believed by some to emanate from mediums during spiritual séances, sometimes associated with ghostly manifestations.

Ectoplasmic Residue: Residual traces of ectoplasm left behind after a paranormal manifestation or encounter.

Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP): Unexplained voices or sounds captured on electronic recording devices, believed by some to be communication from spirits.

EVP Analysis: The process of reviewing and analyzing EVP recordings to identify potential paranormal voices or messages.

EVP Software: Computer programs or applications used to enhance and analyze EVP recordings for paranormal evidence.

Exorcism: A religious or spiritual ritual performed to expel demonic entities or negative spirits from a person or location.

Full Spectrum Camera: A camera modified to capture a wider spectrum of light, often used to capture paranormal phenomena invisible to the naked eye.


Ghost: The spirit or soul of a deceased person believed to haunt or visit the living, often associated with residual energy or unfinished business.

Ghost Box: A device that rapidly scans radio frequencies, allowing spirits to communicate through snippets of radio broadcasts.

Ghost Hunting Equipment: Tools and devices used by paranormal investigators to detect, document, and communicate with spirits or entities.

Ghost Hunting Group: A team of individuals who conduct paranormal investigations together, often using specialized equipment and techniques.

Ghost Light: A mysterious light phenomenon often reported in areas associated with hauntings, folklore, or urban legends.

Ghost Radar: An electronic device claimed to detect and display the presence of ghosts or spirits using various sensors.

Ghost Ship in wavy ocean

Ghost Ship: A haunted or mysterious ship often associated with maritime legends and ghost stories.

Ghost Tour: Guided tours of locations known for their paranormal activity or haunted history, often led by knowledgeable guides.

Ghost Tracker: A device used to track or detect the presence of ghosts or entities, often incorporating sensors or GPS technology.

Haunted Location: A place believed to be inhabited by ghosts or spirits, often associated with paranormal activity or historical events.

Haunting: The presence or manifestation of ghosts or spirits in a particular location, often associated with residual energy or unresolved emotions.

Hot Spot: A localized area within a haunted location where paranormal activity is frequently reported or observed.

Infrared thermometer and ghost hunter

Infrared Thermometer: A device used to measure surface temperatures, often employed in paranormal investigations to detect cold spots or anomalies.

Intelligent Haunting: A haunting in which the spirits or entities demonstrate awareness and interact with the living.

Investigation: The systematic examination of a location or situation to gather evidence or information about paranormal activity.

Manifestation: The appearance or materialization of a ghost, spirit, or paranormal entity.

Medium communicating

Medium: A person believed to have the ability to communicate with spirits or entities from the afterlife, often employed during paranormal investigations.

Necromancy: The practice of communicating with the dead, often through rituals or séances, sometimes associated with dark magic or witchcraft.

Night Vision Camera: A camera equipped with infrared technology to capture images in low-light or nighttime conditions, commonly used in paranormal investigations.

Orb: A spherical anomaly often captured in photographs or videos, believed by some to be a manifestation of spiritual energy.

Ouija Board: A board marked with letters and symbols used in séances to communicate with spirits, considered by some to be a tool for contacting the supernatural.

Paranormal: Beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding, often associated with unexplained phenomena or supernatural occurrences.

Paranormal Activity: Any unexplained or supernatural event or phenomenon, including ghostly sightings, EVP recordings, and poltergeist disturbances.

Paranormal Evidence: Physical or empirical proof of paranormal activity, including photographs, recordings, and documented experiences.

Paranormal investigators looking around

Paranormal Investigation Team: A group of individuals who collaborate to investigate and research paranormal phenomena using scientific methods and equipment.

Paranormal Phenomenon: An unexplained occurrence or event that falls outside the realm of conventional scientific understanding, often associated with the supernatural.

Parapsychology: The study of paranormal or psychic phenomena, including telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis.

Pendulum: A weighted object suspended from a fixed point used in divination or dowsing to detect energy or receive answers to questions.

Phantom: A ghostly or spectral apparition, often associated with hauntings or supernatural occurrences.

Phantom Hitchhiker: A ghostly figure often reported hitchhiking along roads or highways, appearing to drivers before vanishing without a trace.

Phantom Smells: Unexplained odors or fragrances associated with paranormal activity, often reported during ghostly manifestations or hauntings.

Phantom Touches: Sensations of being touched or brushed by an unseen presence, commonly reported in haunted locations or during paranormal encounters.

Poltergeist moving a vase

Poltergeist: A mischievous or disruptive spirit known for causing physical disturbances such as moving objects, loud noises, or electrical disruptions.

Portal: An opening or gateway believed to connect different dimensions or realms, sometimes associated with increased paranormal activity.

Possession: The state of being controlled or influenced by a malevolent spirit or entity, often resulting in changes in behavior or personality.

Protection Ritual: Rituals, prayers, or ceremonies performed to ward off negative energy, entities, or psychic attacks during paranormal investigations.

Psychic: A person believed to possess extras

ensory perception or paranormal abilities, including clairvoyance, telepathy, and precognition.

Psychic Empath: A psychic individual who can perceive and absorb the emotions or energies of others, often used in paranormal investigations to sense spiritual presences.

Psychic Impressions: Intuitive insights or perceptions gained through extrasensory means, often used to gather information about past events or locations.

Psychic Intuition: The innate ability to sense or know information beyond normal perception, often used by psychics and mediums during paranormal investigations.

Psychic Mediumship: The practice of communicating with spirits or entities from the afterlife, often facilitated by individuals known as mediums.

Psychic Phenomenon: An unexplained or supernatural occurrence attributed to psychic abilities or paranormal forces.

Residual Haunting: A type of haunting characterized by the repetitive playback of past events or emotions, often without awareness or interaction with the living.

Psychic sage smudging

Sage Smudging: A ritualistic practice involving the burning of sage or other herbs to cleanse and purify a space from negative energies or spirits.

Seance: A gathering or ceremony conducted to communicate with spirits or entities from the afterlife, often led by a medium or psychic.

Seance Circle: A group of individuals who participate in a séance to channel spirits or receive messages from the other side.

Sensitive: A person who is highly attuned to paranormal phenomena or energies, often experiencing psychic impressions or spiritual presences.

Shadow Entity: A dark or shadowy figure often reported in haunted locations, believed by some to be portals or gateways for spirits or entities to manifest or communicate.

Shadow Figure: A dark, shadowy silhouette often observed in peripheral vision or dimly lit areas, commonly reported during paranormal encounters.

Shadow person scaring someone

Shadow Person: A humanoid shadow figure often seen in haunted locations, sometimes associated with negative or malevolent energies.

Spirit Attachment: The belief that a spirit or entity becomes attached to a person, object, or location, influencing behavior or causing disturbances.

Spirit Guide: A spiritual entity believed to offer guidance, protection, or support to individuals during their earthly journey or spiritual development.

Spirit Orb: A spherical anomaly often captured in photographs or videos, believed by some to be a manifestation of spiritual energy or presence.

Spirit Orb Phenomenon: The appearance of orb-like anomalies in photographs or videos, sometimes attributed to paranormal activity or spiritual presence.

Spirit Photography: The practice of capturing images of spirits or ghostly phenomena using cameras or photographic equipment.

Telekinesis: The psychic ability to move or manipulate objects using the power of the mind, often associated with poltergeist activity or psychic phenomena.

Telepathy: The ability to transmit thoughts, feelings, or information directly from one mind to another without the use of conventional communication methods, often associated with psychic phenomena or paranormal abilities.

Vortex: A swirling mass or concentration of energy often reported in haunted locations, believed by some to be portals or gateways for spirits or entities to manifest or communicate.

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